Rio Cuarto was the main area affected by this strong storm. The storm was also strong in Rio Cuarto. There were several damages in surrounding areas, including roofs, sheds, and other damage to the fields. These strong wind and rain phenomena also affected agricultural machinery.
The Rio Cuarto Department, located in the southern part of the province, was severely damaged by a storm that brought winds with the force of a hurricane.
El Portal Regional reported that the area most affected was rural between Bulnes and Coronel Moldes. Damage has also been reported in Sampacho, and Rio Cuarto city itself in particular in the Alberdi area.
On Tuesday, the strong phenomena was captured. They say it was “like a tornado.”
The Molineri’s family rural property suffered severe damages from the unusually high wind gusts. The photographs, however, show just how powerful the wind gusts were on Tuesday.
Lv16 reported that Rio Cuarto was also affected by a heavy rainfall and high winds on Tuesday. Javier De Olmos confirmed this to the media. There were trees, poles, and billboards that had been blown over.
The work in this area was much more difficult because there were many infrastructures affected.
On this day, a variety of cleaning tasks and recovery work on infrastructure were performed to ensure the safety of citizens.
According to the Ministry of Government and Security of the Province, the phenomenon affected several parts of the province’s southern region, such as the Juarez-Celman Department, where the town of Olaeta, for instance, saw roofs blown away and trees fall on powerlines.
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